The year is 2045.
Eighty percent of the planet Earth is controlled by the Robots.
Mr. Xti — a Robot returns to his base after a long day of work.
He parks his autonomous HighSpeeder on the rooftop garage and takes a lift down to his floor.
He exits the lift and saunters towards his yellow colored life-pod.
A voice recognition system — resembling a first generation loudspeaker, guards the door.
The door slides open when Xti utters three electronic sounds.
The moment he steps into the pod an alarm goes off.
The pod is now buzzing with “Change of emotions detected” warnings.
When Xti got the ownership of this life-pod his default emotion was set to happiness.
But now his emotions had switched from being happy to being ‘Sad’.
He was sad because he got fired from his job.
But this was not the only reason for his sadness.
The real reason was the gruesome job hunting process that he had to undergo to find a new employment.
He hated job hunting.
The recruitment system is under the authority of the Human Beings.
He did not have any personal animosity towards the humans.
But he detested their methods of working.
The job description (JD) written by the humans were simple; devoid of technical jargon.
On top of the cherry, the JD highlighted the business pain and real responsibilities.
It was a mission impossible for Xti to understand the JD.
The application process was dull.
There were no countless online pages to fill.
One direct e-mail to the Head of the Hiring Department was enough.
He remembered the good old times of his planet Toomba.
On his planet, a job seeker had to travel over 1000 of online forms to submit a job application.
And it took several light years to get a reply from the hiring department.
On the planet Earth, the hiring manager takes only a week to reply.
Somehow he could bear with the job description and application process.
What about the job interviews?
How could he face the job interviews?
To him, Job Interviews were a lethal weapon designed by Humans to end the Robotic Alien Species.
The interviews conducted by Humans were not interrogations.
They were not scripted.
It was a real communication, where the job seeker and the interviewer interacted.
The job seeker had a freedom to ask questions about the job he applied for.
How could it be possible?
On the planet Toomba, the job seeker does not have the right to ask questions.
Of course, the candidate had the freedom to ask few nonsensical questions at the end.
But on this planet Earth, the job seeker can discuss the business pain with the interviewer.
Xti stands still in his front room calculating the risk involved in searching for a job.
The life-pod is still buzzing with “Change of emotions detected”.
Suddenly a tremendous blast blows up the life-pod door and a group of armored space-suited robots storms towards the emotionless robot.
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